If you are traveling to Laos then you are in the right place for information about travel to Laos, laos tourist visa, Hotels, cost of living in Vientiane, Laos, you can also post your question about Laos
Cost of living in Laos
The following are estimates of how much things cost in Laos. The cost of living in Laos depends on where you live. The following prices are in Lao kip and also USD and reflect the cost of living in Vientiane only. Things will be cheaper in a small town and villages throughout the country.
Renting a house or an apartment
House rental rates vary so much in Laos. It depends on what you want. It costs between USD100 to 2000 and up per month. The $100 would be a single room without any furniture. The more expensive rate is usually a big house with 3 or 4 bedrooms or more and a garden. The fact you can find a room or house lower than $100, it all depends on location and the quality of the house or room. If you want to seek out where you should find a place to rent here’s a list of the agencies you can contact:
1. http://www.laohomes.com/index.php
2.Tou Tou's House for Rent
Tel: 020 5522142, 5100408, 7718417. Email: TouTou2004@hotmail.com
3. LFT Consulting Co; Ltd. Real Estate Services
Tel: 021-244435, Fax 021-244436, mobile 020-5718893. E-mail:lft_group@laopdr.com, lft_group@yahoo.com"
4. Ourdalee's house renting service
Tel 0205 512 502, 0205 511791, 0205 659 146. Email: oudalee_rangsy@yahoo.com"
• Vientiane Property Service: 020 5599900, 5619160, vientianerealtor@yahoo.com
* Apartments for rent: 020 5023782, hotellao@laotel.com
* Houses and home advisor: 020 5519152
* Peter's Rent-a-House: 0205-526 525 or peter.rentahouse@gmail.com
The following are the estimated prices only and the prices can be much more or less depending on where you eat. Eating house: they usually offer many kinds of dishes, such as pho (beef noodle) and should cost between USD 1.5 to 2. The Prices are the same for fried rice, rice with chicken or pork, and there are still many others with this same price tag. There is delicious French bread here and it should cost about USD 2 for a French bread sandwich with tuna fish. Or there are meat, cheese and other you can choose. The prices are about the same or a bit more or less depending on what you what sandwich you want. If you buy only bread then the cost should be about 3000 kip (USD 0.5) per big loaf in street markets but it’s more expensive if you buy in the supermarket or tourist areas.
There are many restaurants in Laos, especially in tourist areas. There are Italian restaurants, French restaurants, Indian restaurants, Chinese restaurants, etc. You can expect to pay about 20000 to 70000 kip per portion in nice restaurants. There are buffet restaurants, too, and the price is between 35000 kip to 150000 kip, depending where you want to go. There is no pizza hut or KFC here but Thai Pizza Company is going to open the branch here.
Drinking water
3000 kip for a small bottle and 5000 kip for a big bottle
Soft drink
5000 – 8000 kip (less than $1) for a can, 8000- 10,000 kip($1 and a bit more ) for a small bottle, 12,000 – 15,000 kip($1.5- $2) for a medium one and 18,000- 20,000 kip ($2 – $2.5)for a bit one
Lao Beer
6000 kip(a bit less than $ 1) per can and 8000 kip(about $1) for a big bottle, up to 10,000 to 15,000 kip for a big bottle if you order in a restaurant or a bar
Local brands around 5000 kip, Marlboro about 10,000 to 12,000 kip
Cost of Utilities in Laos:
It’s about $ 10 – 15 per month for electricity and $ 5-10 for water, this can be greatly or less depending on how much you use. If you use air condition often you expect to pay $ 50 and up per month. It’s pretty cheap compare to other countries.
T-shirt and shirt cost about $5-$10, jeans about $10 - $15, sandals are $8 to $10
Local bus: these are very cheap, about 2000 – 5000 kip anywhere in the city but bus here is not convenient, usually only local use this kind of buses, I seldom see foreigners in these buses.
Taxi: majority in the airport, they charge $ 6 dollars from airport to anywhere in the city. There are not many taxis in the city. They usually use Tuk-tuk .
Tuk-tuk: it’s mainly use, the cost vary from the distance you go, they can charge you around $2- $5 depending on your destination but be careful many people get scam from those tuk-tuk driver they charge you over price so better discuss the price before you go with them. You can bargain if you think that their charge is so ridiculous.
Laos tourism
Laos work visa
Hotels in Vangvieng
Laos news
Laos beef noodle soup
Laos Airlines
Laos visa
Laos tourist visa
Luang Prabang first class flight
Laos tours Luang Prabang itinerary
H1N1 cases in Laos
Introduction to Laos
laos utility cost 2009
Management of two world heritage sites in Laos
(From Lao cultural magazine by Bounthavy Champathong) - Travel to Laos. After Luang Prabang town was inscribed to be a world heritage site on 2 December 1995 and Watphou was also declared as a world heritage site on 9 November 2001, the Lao government activity implements the international Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and National Heritage and this action is relevant to the guideline on this convention implementation.
For Luang Prabag town, the Government signed the cooperation agreement with Ville de Shinon, which is the world heritage town in France to together study and formulate the master plan for conserving and expanding the value of world heritage sites. With the fund granted by French Development Agency the Government established the world heritage office and hurried to register preserved houses and imposed the rule on maintenance and restoration of some old houses. It trained technical officers and created a model restoring old buildings and sites under the preservation purpose. This plan is called:"Master Plan for Preserving and Expanding the World Heritage Value." In 2002 the Government approved to UNESCO the Master plan for Preserving and Expanding the World Heritage Value and set up the measure on implementing this plan.
For Wat Phou Champasak, the Government implemented the master plan for managing Wat Phou Champasak and presented it to UNESCO. This plan clearly determines the territory and purpose of conservation and the rule is imposed to fulfill this purpose. There is also the measure on implementation. The fund was gained from the government of Japan(JICA) to build the embankment system to prevent water flowing from the mountain. The museum at the world heritage site was built and technical officers were trained and assistance from the French government was gained to comprehensively educate.
Today, The Government set up the national heritage committee. Its President is Mr.Somsavat Lengsavad, Deputy Minister and Standing Member of the Government. In addition to that, the office of the two world heritage sites is set up to implement the protection task and coordinate with other organizations.
The future plan is to improve the work preserving the world heritage town in Luang Prabang. Previously, the conference of the international heritage committee was held in Luang Prabang and adopted resolutions for determining the future work as follows:
To coordinate with other sectors to carry out the conservation, which is harmonious with development; Don't let development to destroy the world heritage management but it must facilitate development.
Strictly fulfill the promises of the Lao PDR as a party to the convention to UNESCO. To be a model and preserve uniqueness of Laos to attract assistance from the world community.
To decide to get rid of weakness in the work implementation at the heritage preservation site. To implement the procedure of the preservation plan and expat the heritage value to more educate and train, upgrade knowledge and understanding of masses and enable people to gain Honoria and benefits from the national heritage.
Moreover, it is to prepare documents as data about the two world heritage sites in Laos; including advocacy, which is assigned to provincial authorities. In order to implement work, the local committee shall be avialable to formulate the detailed management plan and regularly coordinate with the national committee through the secretariat. The ministry of Information and Cultural is assigned to supervise, set up and implement the national heritage fund.
For Luang Prabag town, the Government signed the cooperation agreement with Ville de Shinon, which is the world heritage town in France to together study and formulate the master plan for conserving and expanding the value of world heritage sites. With the fund granted by French Development Agency the Government established the world heritage office and hurried to register preserved houses and imposed the rule on maintenance and restoration of some old houses. It trained technical officers and created a model restoring old buildings and sites under the preservation purpose. This plan is called:"Master Plan for Preserving and Expanding the World Heritage Value." In 2002 the Government approved to UNESCO the Master plan for Preserving and Expanding the World Heritage Value and set up the measure on implementing this plan.
For Wat Phou Champasak, the Government implemented the master plan for managing Wat Phou Champasak and presented it to UNESCO. This plan clearly determines the territory and purpose of conservation and the rule is imposed to fulfill this purpose. There is also the measure on implementation. The fund was gained from the government of Japan(JICA) to build the embankment system to prevent water flowing from the mountain. The museum at the world heritage site was built and technical officers were trained and assistance from the French government was gained to comprehensively educate.
Today, The Government set up the national heritage committee. Its President is Mr.Somsavat Lengsavad, Deputy Minister and Standing Member of the Government. In addition to that, the office of the two world heritage sites is set up to implement the protection task and coordinate with other organizations.
The future plan is to improve the work preserving the world heritage town in Luang Prabang. Previously, the conference of the international heritage committee was held in Luang Prabang and adopted resolutions for determining the future work as follows:
To coordinate with other sectors to carry out the conservation, which is harmonious with development; Don't let development to destroy the world heritage management but it must facilitate development.
Strictly fulfill the promises of the Lao PDR as a party to the convention to UNESCO. To be a model and preserve uniqueness of Laos to attract assistance from the world community.
To decide to get rid of weakness in the work implementation at the heritage preservation site. To implement the procedure of the preservation plan and expat the heritage value to more educate and train, upgrade knowledge and understanding of masses and enable people to gain Honoria and benefits from the national heritage.
Moreover, it is to prepare documents as data about the two world heritage sites in Laos; including advocacy, which is assigned to provincial authorities. In order to implement work, the local committee shall be avialable to formulate the detailed management plan and regularly coordinate with the national committee through the secretariat. The ministry of Information and Cultural is assigned to supervise, set up and implement the national heritage fund.
Two tourist attractions in Laos
(From Laos Cultural magazine)-Travel to Laos. Phabath temple and white sand rapids are he tourist attractions, which are located on the same area: Nakhouy village, Xaythany district, Vientiane capital.
Nakhouy is one of 104 villages of Xaythany district, which is situated to northeast, 40 kilometers far from Xaythany municipal area and 14 kilometer far from the big road(Road No.10).
Mr. khamkhay Xayavong, chief of this village said Nakhouy village with a population of 400 has 74 houses. People engage in agriculture and the second village income is derived from tourism, particularly the natural and cultural tourist sites.
Phabath temple is classified as the cultural tourist attraction, which is rooted in legend and religion. Located on the foot of Khoukhouy Mountain, this site has Phabath footprint, which is 1.55 meters deep and 3.75 meters long. All toes have the same length. There are a lotus wheel and animal images inside the footprint. it is teh right footprint. Those who come to visit this site worship at it, forecasting by drawing lots. There are a Buddha image and a gong, which are used for typing one's luck(wish and then rub the gong! if there will be goodness or good luck, the gong makes sound).
An abbot of Pabath temple said Phabath temple was built to over footprints of the Lord of Buddha, which were placed on a rocky surface. The legend tells that in the old days a giant threatened in this area and everyday he ate daughters of township people. Young beautiful girls were eaten only middle aged women remained. Therefore, the Lord of Buddha came to help and solve the problem of fellows, teach and punish the giant. The giant, who could not defeat the Lord of Buddha, surrendered and asked the Lord of Buddha for a footprint in order to worship at it. Today, three kilometers far from Phabath temple, there are chalice-shape stupas or chalice-shape stones, which previously called a giant castle area that is 2,000 meters wide and 5,000 meters long. it is called "Chalice-shape stupas" due to many chalice-shape stones in this area.
The natural tourist attraction in the village and beardy area are follows: white sand rapids, Kokmouang (mango tree) rivulet, Nambenf rivulet, Thoua rivulet, Meavang cave, phagnai (big Buddha image)cave, Pho-Meakhoulap cave and Tam cave. The most interesting natural tourist site in Nakhouy village is the white sand rapids, which are wide and beautiful, where cool water flows.
Characteristically, the white sand rapids have water flowing on slopes in a wide area, being a pool. If you look at the rapids from the far distance, it seems to be white. this site is suitable for relaxing, swimming and stay in water and many domestic and foreign tourists come to visit it. The village pays attention to restore this site well, building a road access and huts. Especially, on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5:00 pm musical bands show (only during the Buddhist lent).
Beside the mentioned, there are many interesting things and readers can identify and seek an opportunity to visit this site themselves.
Buddhist Lend End
Tourist spots in Laos
Laos tourism
Laos embassies abroad
Foreign embassies in Laos
Vientiane pictures
Introducation to Laos
Laos Elephants festival
Hotels in Vangvieng
Laos work visa
travel to Laos- Laos transportation
You can travel to Laos via 3 options: By Air, Overland and River
You can enter Laos via 3 international Airports in Laos. Wattay International airport(Vientiane), Paskse airport(Champasak) and Lungprabang international airport.
You can travel to Laos by road from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China There are many border crossings and you can get your visa on your arrival via almost of the border crossing. The most popular entry point is Friendship Bridge in Vientiane for more information please Click here
If you travel to Laos via HoeuyXay in Bokeo province, Thakhek in Khammoun province, it means you can take boat ride across the Mekong river , many people travel directly to Lungprabang via Mekong river after crossing from Chiang khong in northern Thailand to HoeuyXay.
You can enter Laos via 3 international Airports in Laos. Wattay International airport(Vientiane), Paskse airport(Champasak) and Lungprabang international airport.
You can travel to Laos by road from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China There are many border crossings and you can get your visa on your arrival via almost of the border crossing. The most popular entry point is Friendship Bridge in Vientiane for more information please Click here
If you travel to Laos via HoeuyXay in Bokeo province, Thakhek in Khammoun province, it means you can take boat ride across the Mekong river , many people travel directly to Lungprabang via Mekong river after crossing from Chiang khong in northern Thailand to HoeuyXay.
Laos beef pho(Rice Noodle Soup)
Luang Prabang Hotels
Ancient Luang Prabang Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 774, Sisavangvong Road, Pakham Village,
Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (856-71) 212 264.
Fax: (856-71) 212 804.
Email: info@ancientluangprabang.com
Apsara Hotel Luang Prabang
Tel:(+856 71) 254-670
Fax: (+856 71) 254-252
Email: info@theapsara.com.
Haysoke Hotel Luang Prabang
Address: 224/PB Phouvao Road, Banphabath Tai, Luangprabang Province, Lao PDR.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-278 , 254-488-9
Email: reservation@haysokehotel.com
Lao Spirit Resort
Address: Xieng Lom
Luang Prabang
Tel: (+856 30) 514-0111
EMail: info@lao-spirit.com
Le Residence Phouvao Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 50, Phouvao Street, Ban Naviengkham, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212 -194, 212 - 530
Fax: (+856 71) 212- 534.
Email: reservations@residencephouvao.com
Maison Souvannaphoum Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 741, Phothisarath Road, Namphou square, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-200.
Fax: (+856 71) 216-306.
Email: reservations-maison@angsana.com
Manoluck Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 761, Phouvao Road, 121/3 Pongkham Village, Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (856-71) 212 250, 212 509.
Fax: (+856-71) 212 508.
Reservation: (+856-71) 260 263.
Email: booking@manoluckhotel.com
Mekong Riverview Hotel(Mekong View)
Address: P.O.Box: 183, Mekong Riverside Road, Xieng Thong Village,
Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 254-900, 254-910.
Fax: (+856 71) 254-890.
Email: hotel@mekongriverview.com
Mouangluang Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 779, Bounkhong Street, Ban Thatluang, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856-71) 212 791 .
Fax: (+856-71) 212 790.
Muongxua Hotel
Address: Phouvao Street , Ban Pongkham, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-263 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-263.
Naviengkham Hotel
Address: Phothisane Street , Ban Naviengkham, Luangprabang Distrct, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-439 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-739.
Phousi Hotel
Setthathirath Road , Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-717 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-719.
E-mail: phousi@laotel.com
Rama Hotel
Address: Visounnarath Road, Visoun Village, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-247 .
Fax: (+856 71) 253-266.
Sala Prabang Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 902, 102/6 Ounkham Street,
Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 252-460 .
Fax: (+856 71) 252-472.
Email: salabang@laotel.com
Sanakeo Hotel
Address: Ban Phongkham, Phouvao Rd, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 252-992 .
Fax: (+856 71) 253-050.
Sirivongvanh Hotel
Address: Phouvao street, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-278 .
Satri House Hotel
Address: 057 Phothisarath Road - Ban That Luang - Luang Prabang – Laos
Tel: (+856 71) 253-491
Fax: (+856 71) 253-418
Email: info@satrihouse.com
The Grand Luang Prabang Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 1191, Xiengkeo Village, Khet Sangkalok,
Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 253-851-7.
Fax: (+856 71) 253-027-8.
Email: info@grandluangprabang.com, sales@grandluangprabang.com
Villa Ban Lao Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 888, 87-6 Thammamikaketh Road, Mano Village,
Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 252-078 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-438.
Email: banlao@laotel.com
Villa Santi Hotel (Santi Group)
Address: P.O. Box: 681, Sakkarine Road, Wat Sene Village, Luangprabang District, Luang
Tel: (+856 71) 253 470-9.
Fax: (+856 71) 253-471.
Email: reservations@villasantihotel.com
Santi Resort & Spa (Santi Group)
Address: P.O. Box: 681, Nadeuai Village, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 253-470-9.
Fax: (+856 71) 253-471.
Email: reservations@villasantihotel.com
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List of Hotels in Luangprabang
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Address: P.O.Box: 774, Sisavangvong Road, Pakham Village,
Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (856-71) 212 264.
Fax: (856-71) 212 804.
Email: info@ancientluangprabang.com
Apsara Hotel Luang Prabang
Tel:(+856 71) 254-670
Fax: (+856 71) 254-252
Email: info@theapsara.com.
Haysoke Hotel Luang Prabang
Address: 224/PB Phouvao Road, Banphabath Tai, Luangprabang Province, Lao PDR.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-278 , 254-488-9
Email: reservation@haysokehotel.com
Lao Spirit Resort
Address: Xieng Lom
Luang Prabang
Tel: (+856 30) 514-0111
EMail: info@lao-spirit.com
Le Residence Phouvao Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 50, Phouvao Street, Ban Naviengkham, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212 -194, 212 - 530
Fax: (+856 71) 212- 534.
Email: reservations@residencephouvao.com
Maison Souvannaphoum Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 741, Phothisarath Road, Namphou square, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-200.
Fax: (+856 71) 216-306.
Email: reservations-maison@angsana.com
Manoluck Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 761, Phouvao Road, 121/3 Pongkham Village, Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (856-71) 212 250, 212 509.
Fax: (+856-71) 212 508.
Reservation: (+856-71) 260 263.
Email: booking@manoluckhotel.com
Mekong Riverview Hotel(Mekong View)
Address: P.O.Box: 183, Mekong Riverside Road, Xieng Thong Village,
Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 254-900, 254-910.
Fax: (+856 71) 254-890.
Email: hotel@mekongriverview.com
Mouangluang Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 779, Bounkhong Street, Ban Thatluang, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856-71) 212 791 .
Fax: (+856-71) 212 790.
Muongxua Hotel
Address: Phouvao Street , Ban Pongkham, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-263 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-263.
Naviengkham Hotel
Address: Phothisane Street , Ban Naviengkham, Luangprabang Distrct, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-439 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-739.
Phousi Hotel
Setthathirath Road , Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-717 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-719.
E-mail: phousi@laotel.com
Rama Hotel
Address: Visounnarath Road, Visoun Village, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-247 .
Fax: (+856 71) 253-266.
Sala Prabang Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 902, 102/6 Ounkham Street,
Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 252-460 .
Fax: (+856 71) 252-472.
Email: salabang@laotel.com
Sanakeo Hotel
Address: Ban Phongkham, Phouvao Rd, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 252-992 .
Fax: (+856 71) 253-050.
Sirivongvanh Hotel
Address: Phouvao street, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212-278 .
Satri House Hotel
Address: 057 Phothisarath Road - Ban That Luang - Luang Prabang – Laos
Tel: (+856 71) 253-491
Fax: (+856 71) 253-418
Email: info@satrihouse.com
The Grand Luang Prabang Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 1191, Xiengkeo Village, Khet Sangkalok,
Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 253-851-7.
Fax: (+856 71) 253-027-8.
Email: info@grandluangprabang.com, sales@grandluangprabang.com
Villa Ban Lao Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 888, 87-6 Thammamikaketh Road, Mano Village,
Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 252-078 .
Fax: (+856 71) 212-438.
Email: banlao@laotel.com
Villa Santi Hotel (Santi Group)
Address: P.O. Box: 681, Sakkarine Road, Wat Sene Village, Luangprabang District, Luang
Tel: (+856 71) 253 470-9.
Fax: (+856 71) 253-471.
Email: reservations@villasantihotel.com
Santi Resort & Spa (Santi Group)
Address: P.O. Box: 681, Nadeuai Village, Luangprabang District, Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 253-470-9.
Fax: (+856 71) 253-471.
Email: reservations@villasantihotel.com
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List of hotels in Vientiane Laos
Anou Hotel
Address: Chao Anou Rd, Vientiane
Tel: (+856 21) 213-630
Fax: (+856-21) 213-632 & 213-635
Anou Paradise Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 3655, 1-3 Hengboun Street, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-630-4.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-635.
Email: anouhotel@laotel.com
Aroon Hotel
Address: Saylom Road, Hatsadi Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 263-023, 263-024.
Fax: (+856 21) 2630-025.
Website: http://www.aroonhotel.com/
Asian Pavilion Hotel
Address: 379 Samsenthai Road,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856-21) 212 430-2, 222 890.
Fax: (856-21) 213 085.
Aroon Residence Hotel
Address: Saylom Road, Hatsady Neua,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856-21) 263 023-4.
Fax: (856-21) 263 025.
Email: booking@aroonresidence.com
Avalon Hotel
Address: 070 Rue Phnom Pen Unit 8 Ban Anou Chanthaburi District
Vientiane Laos
Tel: (+85621) 263-597-98
Fax: (+856 21) 263-596
Email: info@avalonbooking.com
B & P Hotel
Address: Khounboulom Road, Wat Chan Village,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856-21) 241-694, 241-066.
Fax: (856-21) 240-916.
Email: b&photel@hotmail.com
Boutchadakham Hotel
Address: Dongpalane road, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856 21) 452-053-4.
Fax: (856 21) 412-729.
Mobile: (856 20) 551-2117.
Beau Rivage Mekong Hotel
Address: Fa Ngum Road, Ban Seetarn Neua,
P.O.Box 9015, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856 21) 243-350, 243-376.
Fax: (856 21) 243-345.
Mobile: (856 20) 561-0422.
E-mail: contact@hbrm.com
Chaleunxay Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 1099,Khouvieng Road,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 243-350, 243-376.
Fax: (+856 21) 243 345.
Mobile: (+856 20) 561-0422.
Chanthapanya Hotel
Address: No. 138 Norkeokoummarn Road. Ban Mixay
Fax: (+856 21) 244 - 283
Email: info@chanthapanyahotel.com, cphotel@laotel.com
City in Hotel
Address: Rue Pangkham, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 218-333
Fax: (+856 21) 218-444
Email: info@CityInnVientiane.com
Cosmo Group Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 9015, Ban Phakhao, Xaithany District,
Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 711-175-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 710-036.
Mobile: (+856 20) 7600-255.
DanSaVanh Nam Ngum Hotel
Address: 168, Luang Prabang Road, Ban Muang Wa-Tha, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 217-594-5.
Fax: (+856 21) 214-605.
Email: dnnrvip@dansavanh.net
Day Inn Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 4083, 059/ 3 Pangkham Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 223-847-8, 222-985.
Fax: (+856 21) 222-984.
E-mail: dayinn@laoskytelecom.com
Duang Deuane Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 6881, Norkeokoumman Road, Mixay Village,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 222-301-3.
Fax: (+856 21) 222-300.
Email: dd_hotel@hotel.com
Duang Siripanya Hotel
Address: Phonthan Neua Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Mobile: (+856 20) 550-7282, 500-3995.
Don Chan Palace Hotel
Address: Fa Ngum Road , Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 244-288.
Fax: (+856 21) 244-111-2.
Email: donchanpalace@laopdr.com
Ekalath Metropol Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 3179, Samsenthai Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-420-1.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-421.
Fong Vimanthong Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 2746, South 13th Road, Ban Phoophanao,Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 900-445-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 900-448.
Green Park Boutique Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 9698, 248 Khouvieng Road, Nongchan Village, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 264-097-9, 263-063.
Fax: (+856 21) 263-064.
Email: info@greenparkvientiane.com
Inter City Hotel
Address: 24-25 Fa Ngum Road, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 263-788, 242-842-4.
Fax: (+856 21) 243-663.
Email: interhotel@laopdr.com.
Golden bowl Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 7136,Kaysone Phomvihanh Road, Chommany Tai village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 900-011-20.
Fax: (+856 21) 900-010.
E-mail: reservation@angkhamhotel.com
Khonepashong Hotel
Address: Ban Khamhoung, Xaytany District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 710-535.
Mobile: (+856 20) 222-5999, 552-2121, 551-9984.
Khunta Residence Apartment
Address: P.O. Box: 9205, Luang Prabang Road,
Sithanneua Village, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 251-199.
Fax: (+856 21) 251-198.
Email: service@khuntaresident.com
Lane Xang Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 280, Fa Ngum Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 214-100-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 214-108.
Email: hotellanexang@yahoo.com
Lao Plaza Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 6708, 63 Samsenthai Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 222-741-42, 218-800-1.
Fax: (+856 21) 222-740, 218-807-9.
Email: lph@laoplazahotel.com
Lao Paris Hotel
Address: 100 Samsenthai Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 222-229.
Fax: (+856 21) 216-382.
Email: infor@laoparishotel.com
Latsavong Hotel
Address: Phonekheng Road , Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 412-607, 414-645-6.
Lao Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 9013, 43/7 Hengboun Road,
Haisok Village, Chanthabouly District,
Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 219-280-81.
Fax: (+856 21) 219-282.
Email: hotellao@laotel.com
Lao orchid hotel
Address: Chao Anou Road, Vat Chanh,Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.
Tel: (+856 21) 264-134
Fax: (+856 21) 264-138
Email: info@lao-orchid.com
Mekong Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 2161, Luangprabang Road, Ban Sithan Neua,Sikhotthabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 212-937-8.
Fax: (+856 21) 212-822.
Email: sales@mekong_ht.com
Mekong Breeze Hotel
Address: Ban Sisomsuen, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-851.
Mobile: (+856 20) 562-9692, 990-0311.
Muong Lao-China Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 5720, Km.3 Thadeua Road, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 313-325-8.
Fax: (+856 21) 312-380.
Mongkol Hotel
Address: 025 FaNgumRd SithanNeua Vientiane Cap.
Vientiane Cap., Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 216-059, 216-232, 216-246
Fax: (+856-21) 214-521
Nakhonesack 3 Hotel
Address: Thongsangnang Road, Ban Thongsangnang, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 264-234, 264-375-6.
Fax: (+856 21) 264-377.
Email: info@nakhonesack3hotel.com
Address: Unit 9, P.O.Box 585, Samsenthai Road , Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-570.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-572-3.
New Apollo Hotel Vientiane Laos
Address: Luangprabang Road
P.O.Box 102
Vientiane Lao P.D.R.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-343, 214-462
Fax: (+856 21) 213-245
Email: newapollo@yahoo.com
Park View Executive
Address: P.O.Box: 4793, Luang Prabang Road , Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 250-888.
Fax: (+856 21) 250-777.
Email: parkview@laotel.com.
Phonexay Hotel
Address: Nongbone Road , Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 414-885.
Phoxay Hotel
Address: khounboulom Road , Vat Chanh Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 242-780, 218-491.
Mobile: (+856 20) 589-7315.
Riverside Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 2846, Norkeokoumman Road, Mixay Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane
Tel: (+856 21) 244-390.
Mobiel: (+856 20) 770-6040, 571-2525.
Fax: (+856 21) 244-391.
E-mail: riversidelaohotel@hotmail.com
Riverview Hotel
Address: Khaemkong Road , Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 216-244-6.
Fax: (+856 21) 216-232.
Royal Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 395, Lane Xang Avenue, Chanthabouly DistrictVientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 214-455.
Fax: (+856 21) 214-454.
Email: laoroyal@laotel.com
Salaphet Inn
Address: Sisavad Road , Ban Sisavad Tai, Chanthabouly District,Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 217-127.
Fax: (+856 21) 260-516.
Mobile: (856-20) 220-2408.
Samsenthai Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 1553, 15 Manthatourath Road, Xieng Nyeun Village, Chanthabouly District,
Vientiane, Laos
Tel: (+856 21) 216-287
Email: samsenthaihotel@yahoo.com
Saysana Hotel
Address: Chao Anou Street, Watchan Village,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-580, 218-636.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-581.
Sengthiene Hotel
Address: New T2 Road, Wattay Ngai Thong, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 244-339.
Fax: (+856 21) 244-342.
Email: sengthiene_hotel@laotel.com
Seng Lao Hotel
Address: 47/1 12 ChaoAnouSt Haysok Vientiane Cap.
Vientiane Cap., Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 252-653
Fax: (+856 21) 252-654
Settha Palace Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 1618, 6 Pang Kham Street,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 217-581-2.
Fax: (+856 21) 217-583.
Email: reservations@setthapalace.com
Taipan Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 4148, 2-12 Francois Ngin Street, Ban Mixay,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 216-906-9.
Fax: (+856 21) 216-223.
Thavixay Hotel
Address: Dongmieng, T2 Road, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 260-534.
Mobile: (+856 20) 551-2435.
Thavikhoune Hotel
Address: near the Lao – Soviet Friendship Hospital, only 2 minutes walk to the
Market, and 5 minutes to the hospital.
150 Bed Road , Ban Phonsavang, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel:(856 21) 562-592
Mobile: (+856 20) 772-5925
Fax: (+856 21) 562-656
Email: D_PSB@thavikhounhotel.com, keshanfang_5@hotmail.com
Theplangsy Hotel
Address: Luang Prabang Road , by street to Lao cotton company, Ban Khouta Thong, Sikhottabong District,
Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 215-688, 261-768.
Fax: (+856 21) 223-455.
Vansana Hotel
Phonethan Road, Phonthan Neua Village,
Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 414-189.
Fax: (+856 21) 413-171.
Related Articles:
>> Introduction to Laos
>> Foreign embassies in Laos
>> Lao embassies abroad
>> Lao visa and border crossings
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Vientiane Laos
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Luang Prabang Laos
>> List of hotels in Vientiane Laos
Address: Chao Anou Rd, Vientiane
Tel: (+856 21) 213-630
Fax: (+856-21) 213-632 & 213-635
Anou Paradise Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 3655, 1-3 Hengboun Street, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-630-4.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-635.
Email: anouhotel@laotel.com
Aroon Hotel
Address: Saylom Road, Hatsadi Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 263-023, 263-024.
Fax: (+856 21) 2630-025.
Website: http://www.aroonhotel.com/
Asian Pavilion Hotel
Address: 379 Samsenthai Road,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856-21) 212 430-2, 222 890.
Fax: (856-21) 213 085.
Aroon Residence Hotel
Address: Saylom Road, Hatsady Neua,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856-21) 263 023-4.
Fax: (856-21) 263 025.
Email: booking@aroonresidence.com
Avalon Hotel
Address: 070 Rue Phnom Pen Unit 8 Ban Anou Chanthaburi District
Vientiane Laos
Tel: (+85621) 263-597-98
Fax: (+856 21) 263-596
Email: info@avalonbooking.com
B & P Hotel
Address: Khounboulom Road, Wat Chan Village,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856-21) 241-694, 241-066.
Fax: (856-21) 240-916.
Email: b&photel@hotmail.com
Boutchadakham Hotel
Address: Dongpalane road, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856 21) 452-053-4.
Fax: (856 21) 412-729.
Mobile: (856 20) 551-2117.
Beau Rivage Mekong Hotel
Address: Fa Ngum Road, Ban Seetarn Neua,
P.O.Box 9015, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (856 21) 243-350, 243-376.
Fax: (856 21) 243-345.
Mobile: (856 20) 561-0422.
E-mail: contact@hbrm.com
Chaleunxay Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 1099,Khouvieng Road,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 243-350, 243-376.
Fax: (+856 21) 243 345.
Mobile: (+856 20) 561-0422.
Chanthapanya Hotel
Address: No. 138 Norkeokoummarn Road. Ban Mixay
Chanthabouli District, Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R.
P.O Box 11809 Vientiane
Tel: (+856 21) 244 -284, 241- 451Fax: (+856 21) 244 - 283
Email: info@chanthapanyahotel.com, cphotel@laotel.com
City in Hotel
Address: Rue Pangkham, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 218-333
Fax: (+856 21) 218-444
Email: info@CityInnVientiane.com
Cosmo Group Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 9015, Ban Phakhao, Xaithany District,
Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 711-175-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 710-036.
Mobile: (+856 20) 7600-255.
DanSaVanh Nam Ngum Hotel
Address: 168, Luang Prabang Road, Ban Muang Wa-Tha, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 217-594-5.
Fax: (+856 21) 214-605.
Email: dnnrvip@dansavanh.net
Day Inn Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 4083, 059/ 3 Pangkham Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 223-847-8, 222-985.
Fax: (+856 21) 222-984.
E-mail: dayinn@laoskytelecom.com
Duang Deuane Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 6881, Norkeokoumman Road, Mixay Village,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 222-301-3.
Fax: (+856 21) 222-300.
Email: dd_hotel@hotel.com
Duang Siripanya Hotel
Address: Phonthan Neua Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Mobile: (+856 20) 550-7282, 500-3995.
Don Chan Palace Hotel
Address: Fa Ngum Road , Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 244-288.
Fax: (+856 21) 244-111-2.
Email: donchanpalace@laopdr.com
Ekalath Metropol Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 3179, Samsenthai Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-420-1.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-421.
Fong Vimanthong Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 2746, South 13th Road, Ban Phoophanao,Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 900-445-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 900-448.
Green Park Boutique Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 9698, 248 Khouvieng Road, Nongchan Village, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 264-097-9, 263-063.
Fax: (+856 21) 263-064.
Email: info@greenparkvientiane.com
Inter City Hotel
Address: 24-25 Fa Ngum Road, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 263-788, 242-842-4.
Fax: (+856 21) 243-663.
Email: interhotel@laopdr.com.
Golden bowl Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 7136,Kaysone Phomvihanh Road, Chommany Tai village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 900-011-20.
Fax: (+856 21) 900-010.
E-mail: reservation@angkhamhotel.com
Khonepashong Hotel
Address: Ban Khamhoung, Xaytany District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 710-535.
Mobile: (+856 20) 222-5999, 552-2121, 551-9984.
Khunta Residence Apartment
Address: P.O. Box: 9205, Luang Prabang Road,
Sithanneua Village, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 251-199.
Fax: (+856 21) 251-198.
Email: service@khuntaresident.com
Lane Xang Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 280, Fa Ngum Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 214-100-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 214-108.
Email: hotellanexang@yahoo.com
Lao Plaza Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 6708, 63 Samsenthai Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 222-741-42, 218-800-1.
Fax: (+856 21) 222-740, 218-807-9.
Email: lph@laoplazahotel.com
Lao Paris Hotel
Address: 100 Samsenthai Road, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 222-229.
Fax: (+856 21) 216-382.
Email: infor@laoparishotel.com
Latsavong Hotel
Address: Phonekheng Road , Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 412-607, 414-645-6.
Lao Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 9013, 43/7 Hengboun Road,
Haisok Village, Chanthabouly District,
Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 219-280-81.
Fax: (+856 21) 219-282.
Email: hotellao@laotel.com
Lao orchid hotel
Address: Chao Anou Road, Vat Chanh,Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.
Tel: (+856 21) 264-134
Fax: (+856 21) 264-138
Email: info@lao-orchid.com
Mekong Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 2161, Luangprabang Road, Ban Sithan Neua,Sikhotthabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 212-937-8.
Fax: (+856 21) 212-822.
Email: sales@mekong_ht.com
Mekong Breeze Hotel
Address: Ban Sisomsuen, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-851.
Mobile: (+856 20) 562-9692, 990-0311.
Muong Lao-China Hotel
Address: P.O. Box: 5720, Km.3 Thadeua Road, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 313-325-8.
Fax: (+856 21) 312-380.
Mongkol Hotel
Address: 025 FaNgumRd SithanNeua Vientiane Cap.
Vientiane Cap., Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 216-059, 216-232, 216-246
Fax: (+856-21) 214-521
Nakhonesack 3 Hotel
Address: Thongsangnang Road, Ban Thongsangnang, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 264-234, 264-375-6.
Fax: (+856 21) 264-377.
Email: info@nakhonesack3hotel.com
Address: Unit 9, P.O.Box 585, Samsenthai Road , Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-570.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-572-3.
New Apollo Hotel Vientiane Laos
Address: Luangprabang Road
P.O.Box 102
Vientiane Lao P.D.R.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-343, 214-462
Fax: (+856 21) 213-245
Email: newapollo@yahoo.com
Park View Executive
Address: P.O.Box: 4793, Luang Prabang Road , Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 250-888.
Fax: (+856 21) 250-777.
Email: parkview@laotel.com.
Phonexay Hotel
Address: Nongbone Road , Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 414-885.
Phoxay Hotel
Address: khounboulom Road , Vat Chanh Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 242-780, 218-491.
Mobile: (+856 20) 589-7315.
Riverside Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 2846, Norkeokoumman Road, Mixay Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane
Tel: (+856 21) 244-390.
Mobiel: (+856 20) 770-6040, 571-2525.
Fax: (+856 21) 244-391.
E-mail: riversidelaohotel@hotmail.com
Riverview Hotel
Address: Khaemkong Road , Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 216-244-6.
Fax: (+856 21) 216-232.
Royal Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 395, Lane Xang Avenue, Chanthabouly DistrictVientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 214-455.
Fax: (+856 21) 214-454.
Email: laoroyal@laotel.com
Salaphet Inn
Address: Sisavad Road , Ban Sisavad Tai, Chanthabouly District,Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 217-127.
Fax: (+856 21) 260-516.
Mobile: (856-20) 220-2408.
Samsenthai Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 1553, 15 Manthatourath Road, Xieng Nyeun Village, Chanthabouly District,
Vientiane, Laos
Tel: (+856 21) 216-287
Email: samsenthaihotel@yahoo.com
Saysana Hotel
Address: Chao Anou Street, Watchan Village,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 213-580, 218-636.
Fax: (+856 21) 213-581.
Sengthiene Hotel
Address: New T2 Road, Wattay Ngai Thong, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 244-339.
Fax: (+856 21) 244-342.
Email: sengthiene_hotel@laotel.com
Seng Lao Hotel
Address: 47/1 12 ChaoAnouSt Haysok Vientiane Cap.
Vientiane Cap., Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 252-653
Fax: (+856 21) 252-654
Settha Palace Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 1618, 6 Pang Kham Street,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 217-581-2.
Fax: (+856 21) 217-583.
Email: reservations@setthapalace.com
Taipan Hotel
Address: P.O.Box 4148, 2-12 Francois Ngin Street, Ban Mixay,
Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 216-906-9.
Fax: (+856 21) 216-223.
Thavixay Hotel
Address: Dongmieng, T2 Road, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 260-534.
Mobile: (+856 20) 551-2435.
Thavikhoune Hotel
Address: near the Lao – Soviet Friendship Hospital, only 2 minutes walk to the
Market, and 5 minutes to the hospital.
150 Bed Road , Ban Phonsavang, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel:(856 21) 562-592
Mobile: (+856 20) 772-5925
Fax: (+856 21) 562-656
Email: D_PSB@thavikhounhotel.com, keshanfang_5@hotmail.com
Theplangsy Hotel
Address: Luang Prabang Road , by street to Lao cotton company, Ban Khouta Thong, Sikhottabong District,
Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 215-688, 261-768.
Fax: (+856 21) 223-455.
Vansana Hotel
Phonethan Road, Phonthan Neua Village,
Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital.
Tel: (+856 21) 414-189.
Fax: (+856 21) 413-171.
Related Articles:
>> Introduction to Laos
>> Foreign embassies in Laos
>> Lao embassies abroad
>> Lao visa and border crossings
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Vientiane Laos
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Luang Prabang Laos
>> List of hotels in Vientiane Laos
4 and 5 stars Hotels in Luang Prabang Laos
Maison Souvannaphoum Hotel Luang Prabang
Address: P.O. Box: 741, Phothisarath Road, Namphou square, Luangprabang District,
Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212 - 200 .
Fax: (+856 71) 216 - 306.
Email: reservations-maison@angsana.com
La Residence Phou Vao Luang Prabang
La RĂ©sidence Phou Vao Hotel in Luang Prabang, Laos, is a luxury spa hotel in Luang Prabang with breathtaking views of the mountains and surrounding World Heritage town of Luang Prabang. Experience the unique and peaceful atmosphere of this luxury resort, La Residence Pho Vao, in Laos, and enjoy a warm welcome from some of the most hospitable people in the world.
Address: P.O. Box: 50, Phouvao Street, Ban Naviengkham,Luangprabang District,
Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212 - 194
Fax: (+856 71) 212 - 534.
E-mail: reservations@residencephouvao.com
Website: http://www.residencephouvao.com
The Grand Luang Prabang Hotel And Resort
Grand Luang Prabang hotel and resort is situated on grounds of the Xiengkeo Palace which belonged to the famous nationalist hero of Luang Prabang, Prince Phetsarath. He chose this site for tranquility, its stunning views of the mighty Mekong River, and the breathtaking landscape of mountains surrounding Luang Prabang.
The Grand Luang Prabang is the premier destination in Luang Prabang, with its own style and identity. The hotel comprises 76 luxurious rooms and 2 suites, all gracefully decorated.
The service throughout the resort is discrete yet friendly, exemplifying the very best in Laotian hospitality. We look forward to sharing our experience and vision with you.
Address: Ban Xiengkeo, Khet Sangkalok P.O. Box 1191, Luang Prabang Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 71) 253 - 851-7
Fax: (+856 71) 253 - 027-8
Email: info@grandluangprabang.com or sales@grandluangprabang.com
Website: http://www.grandluangprabang.com/
Villa Santi Hotel (Santi Group)
The Villa Santi Hotel is located in the heart of the World Heritage Site with walking distance to many historical sight seeing places such as the former Royal Palace, Mont Phousy, ancient temples, local handicraft shopping area, dining area, Mekong River and Nam Khane River.
The boutique hotel is only 10 minutes drive from the Luang Prabang airport.
Address: Royal Sakkarine Road, Ban Wat Sene, PO Box 681 Luang Prabang, Laos
Tel: (+856 71) 252 - 157 , 212 - 267
Fax: (+856 71) 252 - 158
Email: info@villasantihotel.com
Website: http://www.villasantihotel.com
Santi Resort & Spa (Santi Group)
the Santi Resort & Spa is situated only 6km from the World Heritage Site where the original Villa Santi Hotel is located. The resort decor sits in over 10 hectares of beautifully landscaped gardens, surrounded by mountains and natural streams.
The boutique resort is only 10 minutes drive from the Luang Prabang airport.
Address: Santi Resort Road, Ban Nadeuay, PO Box 681 Luang Prabang, Laos.
Tel :(+856) 71 253470
Fax : (+856) 71 253471
E-mail : info@villasantihotel.com
Website: http://www.villasantihotel.com
Related Articles:
Introduction to Laos
Foreign embassies in Laos
Lao embassies abroad
Lao visa and border crossings
4 and 5 stars hotels in Vientiane Laos
4 and 5 stars hotels in Luang Prabang Laos
List of hotels in Vientiane Laos
Tourist attraction in Laos
List of Hotels in Luangprabang
Address: P.O. Box: 741, Phothisarath Road, Namphou square, Luangprabang District,
Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212 - 200 .
Fax: (+856 71) 216 - 306.
Email: reservations-maison@angsana.com
La Residence Phou Vao Luang Prabang
La RĂ©sidence Phou Vao Hotel in Luang Prabang, Laos, is a luxury spa hotel in Luang Prabang with breathtaking views of the mountains and surrounding World Heritage town of Luang Prabang. Experience the unique and peaceful atmosphere of this luxury resort, La Residence Pho Vao, in Laos, and enjoy a warm welcome from some of the most hospitable people in the world.
Address: P.O. Box: 50, Phouvao Street, Ban Naviengkham,Luangprabang District,
Luang Prabang Province.
Tel: (+856 71) 212 - 194
Fax: (+856 71) 212 - 534.
E-mail: reservations@residencephouvao.com
Website: http://www.residencephouvao.com
The Grand Luang Prabang Hotel And Resort
Grand Luang Prabang hotel and resort is situated on grounds of the Xiengkeo Palace which belonged to the famous nationalist hero of Luang Prabang, Prince Phetsarath. He chose this site for tranquility, its stunning views of the mighty Mekong River, and the breathtaking landscape of mountains surrounding Luang Prabang.
The Grand Luang Prabang is the premier destination in Luang Prabang, with its own style and identity. The hotel comprises 76 luxurious rooms and 2 suites, all gracefully decorated.
The service throughout the resort is discrete yet friendly, exemplifying the very best in Laotian hospitality. We look forward to sharing our experience and vision with you.
Address: Ban Xiengkeo, Khet Sangkalok P.O. Box 1191, Luang Prabang Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 71) 253 - 851-7
Fax: (+856 71) 253 - 027-8
Email: info@grandluangprabang.com or sales@grandluangprabang.com
Website: http://www.grandluangprabang.com/
Villa Santi Hotel (Santi Group)
The Villa Santi Hotel is located in the heart of the World Heritage Site with walking distance to many historical sight seeing places such as the former Royal Palace, Mont Phousy, ancient temples, local handicraft shopping area, dining area, Mekong River and Nam Khane River.
The boutique hotel is only 10 minutes drive from the Luang Prabang airport.
Address: Royal Sakkarine Road, Ban Wat Sene, PO Box 681 Luang Prabang, Laos
Tel: (+856 71) 252 - 157 , 212 - 267
Fax: (+856 71) 252 - 158
Email: info@villasantihotel.com
Website: http://www.villasantihotel.com
Santi Resort & Spa (Santi Group)
the Santi Resort & Spa is situated only 6km from the World Heritage Site where the original Villa Santi Hotel is located. The resort decor sits in over 10 hectares of beautifully landscaped gardens, surrounded by mountains and natural streams.
The boutique resort is only 10 minutes drive from the Luang Prabang airport.
Address: Santi Resort Road, Ban Nadeuay, PO Box 681 Luang Prabang, Laos.
Tel :(+856) 71 253470
Fax : (+856) 71 253471
E-mail : info@villasantihotel.com
Website: http://www.villasantihotel.com
Related Articles:
Introduction to Laos
Foreign embassies in Laos
Lao embassies abroad
Lao visa and border crossings
4 and 5 stars hotels in Vientiane Laos
4 and 5 stars hotels in Luang Prabang Laos
List of hotels in Vientiane Laos
Tourist attraction in Laos
List of Hotels in Luangprabang
4 and 5 stars Hotels in Vientiane Laos
Don Chan Palace Vientiane
Don Chan Palace is the first ever-International five star hotel in the capital city of Vientiane Laos, which took only a mere 9 months to complete. It is strategically located along the infamous Mekong River within easy reach to the city's Embassies, main business districts, major cultural sites and ancient temples. Our hotel promises to provide elegant accommodations, with five-star facilities. Our hotel is also ideally situated near traditional markets and local areas of interest and just 12 minutes from Wattay International Airport.
At 14 storeys high, Don Chan Palace is the tallest and biggest structure in Laos, housing a lavish 240 modern and stylish rooms and suites. Each room commands superb view of both the Mekong River and full view of Vientiane municipality with exquisite standard of luxury, comfort and amenities.
This is a place where you can work as well as relax. Meeting and conference facilities at our grand conventional hall are superbly appointed with modern technology and wireless internet to serve you. We are proud to say that our grand conventional hall is the best in town that boost full facilities for major events and meetings.
A Malaysian owned hotel, our facilities have boosted the country’s tourism infrastructure, and by opening our hotel to welcome delegates of the 10th ASEAN Summit in November 2004, it bolstered our significance. Up to date, we have had major events held at our very own conventional hall including the 2nd ASEAN Business Summit, ASEAN Finance Minister’s meeting, and many more.
Address: Unit 6 Piawat Village, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel : (+856 21) 244 - 288
Fax : (+856 21) 244 -111-2
Email : info@donchanpalacelaopdr.com
Website: http://www.donchanpalacelaopdr.com/
Settha Palace Hotel
Old World Charm, Luxurious Elegance
amidst the Tranquility of Laos.
In the heart of bustling Vientiane stands a remarkable hotel. Built in the early part of the last century, circa 1932, and painstakingly restored to its former imperial glory, the Settha Palace Hotel serves as a testament to the long lost era of classical elegance, gracious service and French colonial charm.
Once more owned by the same passionate family that ran the hotel in its heyday before the change of regime to Communism in 1975, no stone has been left unturned and no expense spared in the quest to bring this Vientiane landmark back to life.
The Hotel is located right in the city center, within walking distance of the commercial district, shops, restaurants and tourist attractions. It is 10 minutes drive from Laos Wattai International Airport and 25 minutes drive to Thadeua on Laos side of the Mekong River and the border bridge to Thailand.
Address: Settha Palace Hotel, 6 Pang Kham Street, P.O. Box: 1618, Vientiane, Lao PDR. (Laos)
Tel: (+856 21) 217 - 581-2.
Fax: (+856 21) 217 - 583.
Email: reservations@setthapalace.com
Website: www.setthapalace.com
Lao Plaza Hotel Vientiane
In a capital city which is famous for its temples and monuments, Lao Plaza Hotel has been created to dominate the growing skyline. As the country's first international caliber hotel, the Lao Plaza Hotel is the center of the emerging capital's business and entertainment world.
Multinational businessmen and tourists alike are swiftly discovering the potential of Laos. The Lao Plaza Hotel is uniquely positioned to cater for the executive demands and to introduce the world to the charms and excitement of the awakening country.
The Lao Plaza Hotel is setting the new standards for hospitality in this ancient land.
Address: 63 Samsenethai Road, P.O.Box 6708, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 218 - 800 – 8
Fax: (+856 21) 218 - 806 – 9
Website: http://www.laoplazahotel.com
Novotel Vientiane
The Novotel Vientiane is a 4 star hotel located close to both the centre of Vientiane and the airport. As the ideal location for business trips and holidays, the hotel offers a range of conference and leisure facilities. Featuring 172 rooms, the hotel also boasts an executive floor. Relax with a drink while listening to music in one of our three bars, or enjoy a meal in our restaurant. We also offer a fitness center, outdoor pool, sauna and tennis court. Parking is available for your convenience.
Address: PO Box 585
Unit 9 Ban Khountathong
Samsenthai Road, Sikhotabong
Vientiane, Laos
Tel: (+856 21) 213 - 570/1
Fax: (+856 21) 213 - 573
E-mail: resvn-novotelvte@etllao.com
Website: http://www.novotel.com
Green Park Boutique Hotel Vientiane
Lao Green Park Boutique Hotel and Resort Vientiane is capturing a Lao style orientation with a finest contemporary architecture of Laos. The elegance of the interiors, both historic and contemporary, and glorious settings are combine to create the most distinguished collection of stylish, luxury and relaxing hotels in Vientiane, the capital of Laos (Lao PDR). The green park boutique hotel and resort Vientiane offers a classic touched feeling to step back in time to an era of elegant tradition where luxury abounds in the form of original antique furniture, rich art collections and exclusive nationally renowned beauty. Right next to the biggest park in the capital of Laos, Nong Chank Park, you will experience the magnificence of our classic set of luxury hotels combining breathtaking natural beauty. With a walking distance to major tourist sites and amenities, our hotel has an undeniably superb location in one of the most sought areas in Vientiane. We provide all the personal privacy you could ever dream of whilst having all the facilities of a fabulous luxury hotel within easy reach.
Lao Green Park Boutique Hotel and Resort Vientiane offers a high standard of accommodation, while maintaining attention to detail and generous proportions. What you will find is not only a medium size boutique hotel but also 34 luxurious contemporary Lao and traditional Lao hospitality. For privacy, the hotel provides an excellent opportunity for an exclusive break or longer holiday.
Address: 248 Khouvieng Road, Ban. Nongchanch P.O.Box 9698
Tel: (+856 21) 264 - 097-8 , 263 - 063
Fax: (+856 21) 263 - 064
Email: info@greenparkvientiane.com
Website: http://www.greenparkvientiane.com/
Cosmo Hotel Vientiane
Address: Km 7, 13 South Road , 894-26 Ban Phakhao,Saythany District, Vientiane, Laos
Tel: (+856 21) 711-175-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 710 - 036.
Mobile: (+856 20) 760 - 0255.
Related Articles:
>> Introduction to Laos
>> Foreign embassies in Laos
>> Lao embassies abroad
>> Lao visa and border crossings
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Vientiane Laos
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Luang Prabang Laos
>> List of hotels in Vientiane Laos
>> List of Hotels in Luangprabang
Don Chan Palace is the first ever-International five star hotel in the capital city of Vientiane Laos, which took only a mere 9 months to complete. It is strategically located along the infamous Mekong River within easy reach to the city's Embassies, main business districts, major cultural sites and ancient temples. Our hotel promises to provide elegant accommodations, with five-star facilities. Our hotel is also ideally situated near traditional markets and local areas of interest and just 12 minutes from Wattay International Airport.
At 14 storeys high, Don Chan Palace is the tallest and biggest structure in Laos, housing a lavish 240 modern and stylish rooms and suites. Each room commands superb view of both the Mekong River and full view of Vientiane municipality with exquisite standard of luxury, comfort and amenities.
This is a place where you can work as well as relax. Meeting and conference facilities at our grand conventional hall are superbly appointed with modern technology and wireless internet to serve you. We are proud to say that our grand conventional hall is the best in town that boost full facilities for major events and meetings.
A Malaysian owned hotel, our facilities have boosted the country’s tourism infrastructure, and by opening our hotel to welcome delegates of the 10th ASEAN Summit in November 2004, it bolstered our significance. Up to date, we have had major events held at our very own conventional hall including the 2nd ASEAN Business Summit, ASEAN Finance Minister’s meeting, and many more.
Address: Unit 6 Piawat Village, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel : (+856 21) 244 - 288
Fax : (+856 21) 244 -111-2
Email : info@donchanpalacelaopdr.com
Website: http://www.donchanpalacelaopdr.com/
Settha Palace Hotel
Old World Charm, Luxurious Elegance
amidst the Tranquility of Laos.
In the heart of bustling Vientiane stands a remarkable hotel. Built in the early part of the last century, circa 1932, and painstakingly restored to its former imperial glory, the Settha Palace Hotel serves as a testament to the long lost era of classical elegance, gracious service and French colonial charm.
Once more owned by the same passionate family that ran the hotel in its heyday before the change of regime to Communism in 1975, no stone has been left unturned and no expense spared in the quest to bring this Vientiane landmark back to life.
The Hotel is located right in the city center, within walking distance of the commercial district, shops, restaurants and tourist attractions. It is 10 minutes drive from Laos Wattai International Airport and 25 minutes drive to Thadeua on Laos side of the Mekong River and the border bridge to Thailand.
Address: Settha Palace Hotel, 6 Pang Kham Street, P.O. Box: 1618, Vientiane, Lao PDR. (Laos)
Tel: (+856 21) 217 - 581-2.
Fax: (+856 21) 217 - 583.
Email: reservations@setthapalace.com
Website: www.setthapalace.com
Lao Plaza Hotel Vientiane
In a capital city which is famous for its temples and monuments, Lao Plaza Hotel has been created to dominate the growing skyline. As the country's first international caliber hotel, the Lao Plaza Hotel is the center of the emerging capital's business and entertainment world.
Multinational businessmen and tourists alike are swiftly discovering the potential of Laos. The Lao Plaza Hotel is uniquely positioned to cater for the executive demands and to introduce the world to the charms and excitement of the awakening country.
The Lao Plaza Hotel is setting the new standards for hospitality in this ancient land.
Address: 63 Samsenethai Road, P.O.Box 6708, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: (+856 21) 218 - 800 – 8
Fax: (+856 21) 218 - 806 – 9
Website: http://www.laoplazahotel.com
Novotel Vientiane
The Novotel Vientiane is a 4 star hotel located close to both the centre of Vientiane and the airport. As the ideal location for business trips and holidays, the hotel offers a range of conference and leisure facilities. Featuring 172 rooms, the hotel also boasts an executive floor. Relax with a drink while listening to music in one of our three bars, or enjoy a meal in our restaurant. We also offer a fitness center, outdoor pool, sauna and tennis court. Parking is available for your convenience.
Address: PO Box 585
Unit 9 Ban Khountathong
Samsenthai Road, Sikhotabong
Vientiane, Laos
Tel: (+856 21) 213 - 570/1
Fax: (+856 21) 213 - 573
E-mail: resvn-novotelvte@etllao.com
Website: http://www.novotel.com
Green Park Boutique Hotel Vientiane
Lao Green Park Boutique Hotel and Resort Vientiane is capturing a Lao style orientation with a finest contemporary architecture of Laos. The elegance of the interiors, both historic and contemporary, and glorious settings are combine to create the most distinguished collection of stylish, luxury and relaxing hotels in Vientiane, the capital of Laos (Lao PDR). The green park boutique hotel and resort Vientiane offers a classic touched feeling to step back in time to an era of elegant tradition where luxury abounds in the form of original antique furniture, rich art collections and exclusive nationally renowned beauty. Right next to the biggest park in the capital of Laos, Nong Chank Park, you will experience the magnificence of our classic set of luxury hotels combining breathtaking natural beauty. With a walking distance to major tourist sites and amenities, our hotel has an undeniably superb location in one of the most sought areas in Vientiane. We provide all the personal privacy you could ever dream of whilst having all the facilities of a fabulous luxury hotel within easy reach.
Lao Green Park Boutique Hotel and Resort Vientiane offers a high standard of accommodation, while maintaining attention to detail and generous proportions. What you will find is not only a medium size boutique hotel but also 34 luxurious contemporary Lao and traditional Lao hospitality. For privacy, the hotel provides an excellent opportunity for an exclusive break or longer holiday.
Address: 248 Khouvieng Road, Ban. Nongchanch P.O.Box 9698
Tel: (+856 21) 264 - 097-8 , 263 - 063
Fax: (+856 21) 263 - 064
Email: info@greenparkvientiane.com
Website: http://www.greenparkvientiane.com/
Cosmo Hotel Vientiane
Address: Km 7, 13 South Road , 894-26 Ban Phakhao,Saythany District, Vientiane, Laos
Tel: (+856 21) 711-175-7.
Fax: (+856 21) 710 - 036.
Mobile: (+856 20) 760 - 0255.
Related Articles:
>> Introduction to Laos
>> Foreign embassies in Laos
>> Lao embassies abroad
>> Lao visa and border crossings
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Vientiane Laos
>> 4 and 5 stars hotels in Luang Prabang Laos
>> List of hotels in Vientiane Laos
>> List of Hotels in Luangprabang
How to get Laos visa on arrival
You can easily get Laos visa on arrival in most border crossings and all Lao International airports.
Here are simple steps to help you get Laos visa on arrival.
1. Filling up Application form for arrival visa. You can get the form on your arrival or if you want to save waiting time then you can download the form and fill it before your arrival time, to download the Lao Application form for arrival visa click picture below.
2. You need 2 passport size photos.
3. Valid passport.
4. You need to pay fee of about USD 20-45 (Remark: the fee is varied, depending on your nationality)
There are 4 Airports in Laos that you can obtain Lao visa on arrival.
1. Wattay International Airport in Vientiane Capital.
2. Luang Prabang International Airport in Luang Prabang Province.
3. Pakse International Airport in Pakse.
4. Savannakhet International Airport in Savannakhet Province.
Here are simple steps to help you get Laos visa on arrival.
1. Filling up Application form for arrival visa. You can get the form on your arrival or if you want to save waiting time then you can download the form and fill it before your arrival time, to download the Lao Application form for arrival visa click picture below.

3. Valid passport.
4. You need to pay fee of about USD 20-45 (Remark: the fee is varied, depending on your nationality)
There are 4 Airports in Laos that you can obtain Lao visa on arrival.
1. Wattay International Airport in Vientiane Capital.
2. Luang Prabang International Airport in Luang Prabang Province.
3. Pakse International Airport in Pakse.
4. Savannakhet International Airport in Savannakhet Province.
Border check points
China - Laos
1. Mohan(China) – Boten (Luang Namtha Province)
2. Mohan(Yunnan, China) – Botene(Luang Namtha Province)
3. Xiangkok riverport on Mekong River in Luang Namtha Province ,no visa on arrival
Thailand - Laos
1. Xiangkong (Thailand)- Houaixay (Bokeo Province)
2. Nongkhai (Thailand) - Friendship Bridge (Vientiane Capital, Laos)
3. Thailand - Xayabouly Province (Nam Heuang Friendship Bridge)
4. Nakhon Phanom (Thailand)- Thakhaek (Khammouane Province)
5. Moukdahan(Thailand)- Friendship Bridge II (Savannakhet Province)
6. Chong Mek (Thailand)- Vang Tao (Champasak Province)
7. Chiangkhong (Chiang Rai, Thailand) – Houixay (Bokeo Province, Laos)
8. Nakaxeng(Loei, Thailand) – Kaenthao(Sayabouly Province, Laos)
9. Bungkan (Thailand)- Pakxan(Bolikhamxay Province, Laos) no visa on arrival.
10. Nakorn Phanom(Nakorn Phanom, Thailand) – Thakhaek(Khammouane Province, Laos)
11. Chongmek (Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand)- Vangtao( Champasack Province, Laos)
Vietnam - Laos
1. Nam Kanh (Vietnam) - Nong Haet (Xieng Khouang Province)
2. Cau Treo (Vietnam) - Nam Phao (Bolikhamxay)
3. Lao Bao(Vietnam) - Dene Savanh (Savannakhet Province)
4. Taichang (Laichau, Vietnam)- Sobhoun( Phongsaly Province, Laos) no visa on arrival
5. Nameo(Thanh Hoa, Vietnam) – Banleui(Huaphanh Province, Laos)
6. Namkan (NgeAn, Vietnam)- Namkan (Xieng Khouang Province, Laos)
7. Napao (Quangbinh, Vietnam) – Chalo (Khammouane Province, Laos) no visa on arrival
8. Laobao(Quang tri, Vietnam) – Dansavanh (Savannakhet Province, Laos)
Cambodia - Laos
1. Dong Calor(Cambodia) - Veun Kham (Champasak Province, Laos)
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